Friday, April 29, 2016

Exercise 11: Personal Learning Networks

A rundown of who,what,where, why and how of Personal Learning Networks.

Who -PLNs are a group of folks who have a common interest.

What can a PLN do for you?- You can collaborate, share, learn, discuss and observe information with a wide variety of people.

Where- You can create your own personal learning network online, face to face or any other means of communication.

Why- PLNs provide an opportunity to communicate ideas, brainstorm and share common experiences.

How- You can create your own PLN or you can find a group online or in person.

I'm going to share some examples of the Personal Learning Networks I use to help me when I'm working at the library.

I use Goodreads a ton for the library :
Comics, graphic novels and manga are my go to reads so I struggle suggesting books to library patrons who ask for something other than my go to reads. I use goodreads to help me suggest books to patrons.
- User name:

I also use Amazon for searches:
Sometimes patrons like to request new items and the items haven't been released yet. If you search Amazon it will show you the release date for blu-ray and dvd items. For books Amazon will show you the publish date.

I like to use the libguides for information:
I've actually showed a handful of patrons some libguides but it doesn't happen that often.
Here's a libguide I contributed to!

I love to cook! On Tumblr I'm following several recipe blogs. I love to read the comments before I start the recipe just in case there's a alternate ingredient that people discovered.

Budget Bytes has been a life saver. The community is amazing! If you are learning to cook on your own, Budget Bytes offers recipes with step by step pictures and really easy to follow directions. The comment section by far is the best resource to offer excellent alternates to the recipe. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Lesson 10 Challenge

Great Northwest has a McDonald's nearby. There is a bus route smack dab in between the two.

VIA bus route 610 goes down Grissom and turns down Tezel. The patron would have to cross the street to reach their destination of McDonald's. It would cost the patron $1.20 for a bus ticket and they could use a transfer if the transfer takes place within two hours of the purchase of the bus ticket.
The patron could successfully travel from Great Northwest Library to McDonald's and back within the hour.

Westbound column C is where the bus will pick up the patron at 1:07pm travelling from Great Northwest to McDonald's. An Eastbound bus can pick up the patron at 1:46pm going towards the library.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lesson 9 Challenge

I made my first GIF using

I'm going to mess with this program a bit and see what else I can do. I'm really excited to learn more. I would love to teach a class at the library to make your very own GIFs for all age groups. I think there is still a large population of people who would love to learn about the process.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Challenge 8 OPTION 2

This was a fun activity! I contacted David from Cody branch library. He was using the Cody branch IPAD and I chose to use our Mac sit down computers. The Macs actually have a camera built into the monitor. I took some pics of our convo!

Since David was using an IPAD he gave me a tour of Cody's famous Bat Cave and the staff workroom. I was stationed at a sit down computer so I could only show him Great Northwest's new book selection. I didn't have ear phones so the the sound on the computer was public. I was able to hear him perfectly fine. If I had ear phones I could communicate with him without bothering other patrons. We spoke about what we were doing at the time. Being stationed at the Cody's Bat Cave he was checking in the indoor book drop. I was working at the reference desk for the day. I really enjoyed figuring out this challenge using SAPL technology. I can know show patrons how to use it too!

Lesson 7 Challenge

 I learned something cool today. I didn't know I could  disable the java script. Now I do

404 challenge:

Best one I came across so far.